The "Plus" Plan
X-class solar flare alerts:
X-class flares are a common precursor to powerful CMEs, geomagnetic storms and solar radiation storms which can cause radio blackouts, cell phone static, radiation exposure to persons in aircraft, and, in severe cases, can cause widespread power grid collapse and harm your car, cell phones and any unprotected electronics. We contact you only minutes after an X-class solar flare occurs notifying you of the severity.
Notifications for full halo CMEs or Earth directed CMEs (coronal mass ejections):
A coronal mass ejection is a massive cloud of energized particles that is hurled out into space by the sun. Coming into contact with the Earth, this causes geomagnetic storms and solar radiation storms. CMEs have no known measurement of severity as we can only estimate the size, speed and time of arrival. When a CME is detected and has the possibility of coming into contact with the Earth and affecting your life, we will notify you with a CME Watch.
***Includes aurora warnings: you can be notified up to two days in advance when a coronal mass ejection is heading for Earth and auroras could appear within 48 hours in places much further south than normal.***
Geomagnetic storms of the G5 level (most severe level on NOAA’s Space Weather Scales):
A geomagnetic storm is the effect of a shockwave from solar winds, either the result of a CME or high solar winds. We will notify you when these storms may affect you or your electronics.
***Includes aurora warnings: you can be notified up to two days in advance when a coronal mass ejection is heading for Earth and auroras could appear within 48 hours in places much further south than normal.***
The "Premium" Plan
X-class solar flare alerts:
X-class flares are a common precursor to powerful CMEs, geomagnetic storms and solar radiation storms which can cause radio blackouts, cell phone static, radiation exposure to persons in aircraft, and, in severe cases, can cause widespread power grid collapse and harm your car, cell phones and any unprotected electronics. We contact you only minutes after a X-class solar flare occurs notifying you of the severity.
Moderate M-class solar flare alerts:
M-class flares, of a smaller and less powerful size, can also be a precursor to CMEs, geomagnetic storms and solar radiation storms, but generally are of lesser severity. We contact you minutes after an M-class solar flare occurs notifying you of the severity.
Notifications for full halo CMEs or Earth directed CMEs (coronal mass ejections):
A coronal mass ejection is a massive cloud of energized particles that is hurled out into space by the sun. Coming into contact with the Earth, this causes geomagnetic storms and solar radiation storms. CMEs have no known measurement of severity as we can only estimate the size, speed and time of arrival. When a CME has the possibility of coming into contact with the Earth, we will notify you with a CME Watch.
***Includes aurora warnings: you can be notified up to two days in advance when a coronal mass ejection is heading for Earth, auroras could appear within 48 hours.***
Notifications for all partial & full halo CMEs:
A notification of a CME Watch for partial halo CMEs of 90º or more (II CME=>90º, III CME=>180º, IV CME=>270º, full halo CME =360º according to CACTUS ratings)
All geomagnetic storm levels ranging from G1 to G5:
According to NOAA’s Space Weather Scales: A geomagnetic storm is the effect of a shock-wave from solar winds, either the result of a CME or high solar winds. These storms can cause radio blackouts, cell phone static, and, in severe cases, can cause widespread power grid collapse and harm your car, cell phones and any unprotected electronics. We will notify you when these storms are detected, or in effect, the severity and update you on the storm’s status.
Also understand that even minor G1 storms are known to cause a 210% increase in hospitalizations and 10-15% increase in deaths due to heart attack and stroke triggered by these events. Those who are prone to heart and stroke problems find knowing about these storms, often before they begin, incredibly helpful in lowering the chances they will be caught alone or without medication on hand if a heart attack or stroke takes affect.
***Includes aurora warnings: you can be notified up to two days in advance when a coronal mass ejection is heading for Earth auroras could appear within 48 hours.***
All solar radiation storm levels ranging from S1 to S5:
Storm levels range from S1 to S5 according to NOAA’s Space Weather Scales. A solar radiation storm is the effect of a CME or a solar flare surrounding our planet with highly energized particles. These storms, if severe enough, can knock out satellites and exposes persons at high altitudes (people on airplanes) to harmful doses of radiation. We notify you when a radiation storm is detected, or in effect, the severity and update you on the storm’s status.
All radio blackout levels ranging from R1 to R5:
According to NOAA’s Space Weather Scales radio blackout levels range from R1 to R5. A radio blackout occurs when X-rays from the sun interact with the Earth’s ionosphere disrupting high frequency radio waves. If severe enough, at an R5 radio blackout level, there can be a complete HF radio blackout on the entire sunlit side of the Earth for periods lasting several hours to days that may bleed over to the night side of the planet, causing GPS/radio-navigation outages planet wide. We alert you when a radio blackout is detected, or in effect, the severity and update you on the storm’s status.
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